Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Can you keep your egg from cracking?

Adam makes me laugh. An assignment in one of his classes was to design a container in which to place a raw egg, such that the egg would not be damaged when dropped from the top of the football stadium. Most of the students were employing bubble wrap (yay!! I love bubble wrap!), Styrofoam peanuts, pillows--other such soft stuff. It all made sense. Adam, however went to school today holding his container: a can of cranberry jelly with the egg tucked safely inside and the lid taped securely back on. I can't wait to see if the egg stays in one piece. I have no idea how he thinks of these things.


  1. That was my favorite assignment in middle school. Good luck to Adam and his cranberry jelly. : )

  2. I did that assignment, too, in elementary school. I loved it! We cut a nerf football in half and stuck the egg in. I'm very interested to see if the cranberry will work.

  3. I did that in elementary school, they dropped our eggs off of the top of the school. I wrapped mine in washclothes and then put it in another container. It didn't break.
