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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Phone Conversation 5

Me: Hello, you have not reached George's Plumbing. This is not his number, it's mine. Please hang up, recheck the number in the phone book, and dial again.
Caller: Ummm...okay...but I'd rather talk to you, if you don't mind.
Me: Oh, hi Mom. I'm getting so used to the wrong number phone calls, I'm not even checking the caller ID anymore. Not that it would matter on this particular phone. We can't see the readout anymore.
Mom: So, do I have to call back or is it okay if we talk now.
Me: Well, I don't like giving special treatment to anyone, but since you birthed me out, I suppose I can make an exception just this once.
Mom: Sam, you're a little bit disgusting.
Me: I know, but funny. I can hear you laughing.
Mom: It's a combination of bad taste and insanity, something I seem to have passed on to you.
Me: No question about it. Thanks, Mom.

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