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Monday, May 21, 2007

Who Knew?

Apparently, if one has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, a therapist's leaving (for whatever reason) is a major event--especially if the therapist/client relationship has been highly successful. One might even say that such an event would cause the client to experience elevated levels of stress such that she might choose to be in denial for a couple of weeks, and then extreme distress might set in. The distress could possibly move to erratic behavior, alienation of friends and loved ones, thoughts of self-harm, recurrence of anorexic tendencies, depression and thoughts of death. This could actually escalate to the point that the client would admit herself at the Behavioral Health ward of the hospital.

Anyway, that's what the psychologist at the psyche ward in the hospital told me during my stay there. I'm guessing he's right.


  1. Are you sure he was the psychologist and not another "inmate"? *wink*
