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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It has become somewhat traditional for me to write a post dedicated to a particular person on his/her birthday. I say "somewhat" because I've only been blogging for about three years and it's only been in the last year that I've been consistent about birthday posts. So perhaps it's not a tradition yet. And it may never become one because if I find that I start repeating myself, I'll just post a link to a previous tribute and say, "Happy Birthday". Okay, that won't ever happen. I'll probably continue to write about the people I love on the days of their births, and if you're a person I know and love and I haven't posted your tribute, then you probably haven't told me when your birthday is. My suggestion is that you do something to remedy the situation.

Today is dedicated to a person I've known for much of my life. I'm certain he has known me longer than I've known him, but it's only been in the latter part of my life that I've taken the time to grow closer and allow him greater access to me. It hasn't been easy, because I don't really see him, nonetheless he is always near. I'm speaking, of course, of Jesus Christ, and I know that today isn't his birthday but neither is December 25th, technically, it's just a random day chosen a long time ago, and I don't know that I'll be able to post on his declared day because I won't be home so I'm doing it today. I think he's okay with that.

I'm an incessant talker-to-God. This goes way beyond the commandment to "pray always." I just talk to him--all the time. I'm certain that when I finally meet him again he'll say, "Sam, I love you, but you talk too much. There are other people I need to listen to sometimes, you know." And I'll apologize and continue talking, no doubt.

Occasionally when I'm chatting with The Big Guy, I tell him how much I adore his son. I don't do it often because it overwhelms me and leaves me speechless--which is quite a conversation killer, but I just feel that sometimes I need to tell him how grateful I am for my Savior. I think he understands, and he's probably glad for the tiny break in my incessant chatter.

The truth is that God is one of the few with whom I'll share my feelings for the Savior. I'm fairly careful about talking of things that are deeply meaningful to me. I never want to feel I have to defend my feelings and beliefs. They are what they are. However, today, in honor of his birthday celebration month, I will break my rule and share in a public forum my list of ten things I love about my Savior, Jesus Christ:

1. When he came to earth he mingled with women. He took time to converse with them. He made certain they knew they were important to him in a society where they were looked upon as second class citizens, left illiterate, dependent upon men for their temporal support, and elevated only by the number of children they were able to bear. He was not embarrassed to be seen spending time with them. They were as entitled to his love and respect as the men were. I have felt that same love and respect in my relationship with him. He does not relegate me to a class or status based on my gender. I am important to him and he loves me. There are no qualifications or reservations in the love he offers to me or any other person.

2. He loved to spend time with people. He made sure that those who came to see him were fed spiritually and temporally, and he gave away the leftovers. He must have been a dynamic speaker to draw thousands of people to hear his words. Either that or they were all really hungry and knew that after he spoke dinner would be served. Regardless, he was concerned for each man, woman, and child who gathered near him. No one went away hungering in body or spirit. In this same manner he has nourished my starving soul. He has led me to the words, or person, or place where I could be fed. Sometimes he has spent time with me, helping me to learn that which will help me continue to the next step. I am never bereft when I am with him.

3. He had compassion. When Lazarus died, Christ saw the sorrowing sisters and wept with them. This was even more marked when he visited the Americas after his death and resurrection. It makes sense that his bowels would be filled with compassion toward the people. He had just finished atoning for their pains and sorrows. No doubt he understood personally, the suffering of those who were ill or grieving. He knew the struggles and misery of each person he was with and he reached out to heal them and ease their burdens. He continues to do so today. My soul has been healed often through his sweet atonement. I have no doubt that this is a process which will continue throughout the rest of my life, as long as I am willing to allow him access to me.

4. He encouraged people. He didn't do anyone's job for them, but rather, gave them the tools to help them become self-sufficient. He gathered into his church leadership, men from all walks of life. They weren't the smartest, wealthiest, or most talented. They were men whose hearts he knew. Christ understood the possibilities of each man, and gave him opportunity to grow and learn. I have felt him encouraging me in the difficulties of my own life. He knows I'll fail. He knows there will be times when I will sell him out for thirty pieces of silver, or for desires I cannot resist, or for other enticements or distractions. He understands that I will repeat the same mistakes many times. In spite of all that, he waits for me to come to myself, and look to him once again. He has faith in me--faith that one day I will return the favor and have faith in him.

5. He loved children. Even when he was tired. I read the account of him taking the children on his lap. I think he hugged them and kissed them. I think that in that moment they felt loved beautifully and completely in the most perfect way. As a child I was envious. I felt I could not be included in that love. Today I am certain that one day Christ will hold me--imperfect as I am, in spite of the pain, guilt, and shame I carry with me--and he won't consider me damaged. Though I am grown, there is still a child within. He will make me whole.

6. He loved to teach. It's nice that we have this in common. I understand that I will never be a fraction of the teacher that he was and is, and I'm willing to concede to his greater knowledge and ability. He was half God, after all, when he walked the earth. However, he also invited me to become like him. That opens up endless possibilities.

7. He loved beautiful things. He found solace in the lovely world he created. He used nature to teach lessons. He has shown me how to find peace as I walk among his creations. He continues to help me understand life through parallels I see in the world around me. I think he's happy that my soul is thrilled by a sunrise, calmed by a blue sky, touched by a gentle breeze, enthralled by a butterfly. There are times with I believe each flower blooms to help me remember joy in my life.

8. He did not bow to tradition. When the woman taken in adultery was brought to him, he told her he didn't condemn her. He knew she had been caught in the very act (and where was her partner? Interesting that of the two interacting, only one was brought to be stoned--yes, I know that's how the law worked, or rather, how they interpreted the law), and yet he allowed her to escape the expected punishment. Christ understands the reasons I yield to sin and temptation. He offers me relief both from the burden of sin, and also from the things that weaken me, making me more prone to giving in and giving up. He shows me love and compassion when I am at my worst, shields me from further punishment and pain, and helps me continue, knowing I will stumble again and again.

9. He walked on water. You have to admit that's pretty cool. I know I've never been able to do it. Sometimes I forget that Christ is omnipotent. It's a little bit insulting for me to not believe he can do all he said he would do. He's given ample example of his divinity. He's gone out of his way to make his presence known in my life. I'm certain that in his place of existence I'm know as Samantha-of-little-faith. It's probably good that I have this designation to help avoid confusion with all the other Samanthas. The truth is that I am overwhelmed when I understand that in spite of his greatness, he has personal interest in, and love for, me. I don't know why that is so, but I will always be grateful.

10. He is my Savior, my God, my Friend. I can't help but think that when it comes to the life of Samantha, Christ is infinitely disappointed. I mess up all the time. Even when I'm trying to do the right thing, I usually end up doing something wrong. And yet, I know he's not disappointed. When I go to him I feel nothing but love and acceptance. I know that as long as I keep trying, he'll keep helping, and one day I'll do something right. He blesses me daily with his love and compassion. He has given me the opportunity to see others through his eyes and I have wept as I have felt a portion of the depth of love he feels for my fellowman. He reminds me that I don't have to be perfect today--and I won't be--which is why I need him. He makes me feel that he, too, needs me. And that is an incredible feeling.

Today I wish a Happy Birthday to Jesus Christ. I will always be grateful for his life on earth, and all that he did before, and all that he continues to do today. I'd suggest you visit his blog and join me in wishing him felicitations, but he doesn't have one. It's okay though, because you can tell him personally. He'd probably like that better anyway.


  1. Thank you for writing this. It is beautiful. You know your Savior well.

  2. Beautifully written, Samantha. You are amazing.

    I was born on His birthday--the real one.

  3. "I mess up all the time. Even when I'm trying to do the right thing, I usually end up doing something wrong. And yet, I know he's not disappointed..."

    Isn't that the grand point of it all! I mess up all the time, too... and guess what - I'm going to mess up tomorrow, too. But, like you, I know he's still there and is loving me through it all.

    Thanks for the inspirational thoughts.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours...


  4. .

    Is it too late for me to sign my name to this card?

  5. That is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your testimony with us (again). You have such a wonderful way with words. Have you ever thought about writing a book?
