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Thursday, May 22, 2008


We had a tornado, thunderstorms, hail, flash flood and now it's snowing. There were semi's tipped over on the freeway, a lone boat at the side of the road, disappearing roofs and uprooted trees. If you'd like pictures of the aftermath, email me. I'll send you a link.


  1. Isn't life in tornado alley interesting? I just can't get used to weird Texas weather. I guess the weather is just as weird in your neck of the woods. Glad you are o.k. I hope your garden isn't ruined from hail and snow. -A.J.

  2. I think life in tornado alley would be interesting--but I don't live there, which is why this is so odd. Thanks for your concern--and I'm glad we're okay, as well. Fortunately for my garden--it hasn't yet been planted or it would have been completely destroyed.

  3. I'm glad that you are ok! That sounds crazy.
